Information for presenters

Oral presentations

  • Each oral presenter is allocated a total of 15 minutes.
  • Oral presentations should be 8-10 minutes, with 5-7 minutes discussion (no longer than 15 minutes total).
  • Chairpersons for each session will be instructed to strictly maintain these time limits to allow registrants to move between parallel sessions so they can hear discussion of particular papers in which they have interest. The moderators will stop your presentation at 12 min to reserve a minimum of 3 min question/discussion time.
  • Presentations will be delivered from a PC.
  • Presenters are not able to use their own laptop.
  • Please upload your PowerPoint file to the Dropbox link in advance. We will announce the instructions for the upload in a later date.
  • If you do not upload the PowerPoint file in advance, please bring your file on a USB stick to the speaker preparation room and provide it to the audio-visual technicians at least 2 hours prior to your session.

PowerPoint slide formatting

  • PowerPoint slides should be prepared in English.
  • PowerPoint slide format should be 16:9. 
  • Each slide should contain no more than 4-5 bullet points, with each bullet limited to 6 to 8 words and font no smaller than 24 points
  • Conflict of Interest Statement: You must disclose financial and other interests of each author/ presenter that may pose a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest soon after the title slide.

Poster presentations


Poster sessions are designed to give presenters an opportunity to discuss informally their research with colleagues interested in their research. The purpose of the posters is to visually stimulate interest in the research, to present sufficient information for viewers to understand the methods, results, and significance of the research, and to promote conversations and networking among conference participants.

  • Total poster size must be 841 millimetres wide x 1189 millimetres high (A0 size). The poster must be printed in portrait format. Posters larger than this size cannot be accommodated.Posters must be prepared in English.
  • Scientific content should prioritize clear communication of the intended message using straightforward, accessible language.
  • Make font readable! Text and diagrams should be arranged appropriately so that the poster is legible from a distance. 
  • Conflict of Interest Statement: Potential conflicts must be listed on the poster as the first section after the title and in a type size consistent with the rest of the poster. This statement must list all funding sources for the current project, as well as other potentially conflicting relationships that existed at any time during the conduct of the study.
  • Posters must be pinable, so please make sure you are using material that is light in weight. Pins will be provided on the day.
  • Important: Posters printed on cloth / organic bases are encouraged.
  • Numbering System: Each poster board will be numbered. Presenters should attach their posters to the board number corresponding to the number assigned to their poster on that day as listed in the Final Program.
  • Posters will be on display on the day of your presentation and can be removed at the end of the afternoon break on that day.
Date Set up Removal
For October 13 (Sun.) 8:00 – 10:00 am 4:45 – 6:00 pm
For October 14 (Mon.) 8:00 – 10:00 am 4:00 – 5:00 pm
  • The following information will be sent by email and published on the conference website after Monday 23 September 2024:
    • Your poster board number
    • Your day of presentation